High Impact Practices (HIPs) are evidence-based family planning practices vetted by experts that are documented in an easy-to-use format. HIPs help practitioners focus resources for greatest impact. Most HIPs also have evidence from various countries along with implementation instructions and monitoring and evaluation guidelines within the content.
There are several types of HIP knowledge products. This Navigator for the FPHIPs focuses on HIP Briefs and HIP SPGs.
Each brief identifies a specific practice, defines the process, demonstrates impact, and shares implementation tips. They are applicable across settings, scalable, sustainable, and cost-effective. They aid in advocacy, program management, exploration of research gaps and can inform policies and guidelines.
Briefs are classified as Service Delivery, Enabling Environment, Social and Behavior Change, and Enhancements. Briefs under Service Delivery and Social and Behavior Change are further categorized based on the extent of measurable evidence of their effectiveness as “Proven”, i.e., sufficient evidence exists to prove its impact, and “Promising”, i.e., good evidence exists but more research is required to document its impact.
1. Service Delivery
2 Social and Behavior Change
3. Enabling Environment
4. HIP Enhancement
For more info, refer to Briefs.
Strategic Planning Guides ( icon) SPGs are intended to lead program managers, planners, and decision-makers through a strategic process to identify the most effective and efficient investments to address the challenge or focus of their program. Guides are developed by technical experts and are intended to help planners identify which HIP or practice might work in your specific context.
For more info, refer to Strategic Planning Guides.