HIP categories
Type 1 : Briefs are categorized by the following focus areas:
Service Delivery : improve the availability, accessibility, acceptability, and quality of family planning services.
Enabling Environment : address systemic barriers that affect an individual’s ability to access family planning information and services.
Social and Behavior Change : influence knowledge, beliefs, behaviors and social norms associated with family planning.
Enhancement : use in conjunction with other HIPs to maximize implementation impact or increase reach for specific audiences.
Evidence Summary : presents evidence gathered but which fell short of standards for a brief, along with key research questions to further strengthen the evidence base.
Type 2: Strategic Planning Guides : Strategic Planning Guides
are another category of HIPs developed by technical experts by bringing multiple HIP Briefs together to identify the most effective and efficient investments to address a challenge.
Evidence of HIPs
Briefs under Service Delivery and Social and Behavior Change are further categorized based on the extent of measurable evidence of their effectiveness as:
meaning sufficient evidence exists to recommend widespread implementation.
meaning good evidence exists for recommending widespread implementation, but more documentation is required to monitor evidence.
Navigator What are HIPs

This Navigator is designed to help you best use the resources on the FPHIP website. It allows you to easily identify relevant evidence-based High Impact Practices (HIPs) to maximize on-ground impact in the Family Planning (FP) space.

Tip: Reflect on your current needs for Family Planning and select an objective and a corresponding approach from below. Relevant HIPs will be narrowed down based on your response.

For example, suppose you are a policymaker aiming to promote health and development of adolescents in your region, you can choose the following objective: “Reach diverse underserved groups > Empower specific underserved groups for better reach” to filter through the list of HIPs.

High Impact Practices (HIPs) are evidence-based family planning practices vetted by experts that are documented in an easy-to-use format. HIPs help practitioners focus resources for greatest impact. Most HIPs also have evidence from various countries along with implementation instructions and monitoring and evaluation guidelines within the content.

There are several types of HIP knowledge products. This Navigator for the FPHIPs focuses on HIP Briefs and HIP SPGs.


Each brief identifies a specific practice, defines the process, demonstrates impact, and shares implementation tips. They are applicable across settings, scalable, sustainable, and cost-effective. They aid in advocacy, program management, exploration of research gaps and can inform policies and guidelines.

Briefs are classified as Service Delivery, Enabling Environment, Social and Behavior Change, and Enhancements. Briefs under Service Delivery and Social and Behavior Change are further categorized based on the extent of measurable evidence of their effectiveness as “Proven”, i.e., sufficient evidence exists to prove its impact, and “Promising”, i.e., good evidence exists but more research is required to document its impact.

1. Service Delivery

They describe interventions to improve the availability, accessibility, acceptability, and quality of Family Planning services.

2 Social and Behavior Change

They describe approaches to influence knowledge, beliefs, behaviors, and social norms associated with Family Planning.

3. Enabling Environment

They address systemic barriers that affect an individual’s ability to access Family Planning information and services.

4. HIP Enhancement

They are tools or approaches that are not a standalone practice but are used in conjunction with at least two or more HIPs in the other three areas to maximize the impact of HIP implementation or increase the reach and access for specific audiences.

For more info, refer to Briefs.

Strategic Planning Guides (SPGs)

Strategic Planning Guides ( icon) SPGs are intended to lead program managers, planners, and decision-makers through a strategic process to identify the most effective and efficient investments to address the challenge or focus of their program. Guides are developed by technical experts and are intended to help planners identify which HIP or practice might work in your specific context.

For more info, refer to Strategic Planning Guides.

My objective is to Clear selection Clear
Expand Method, Choice, Quality and Coverage
Expand outreach services at community level Ensure person-centered and quality care Strengthen health system for improved function and efficiency Maximize coverage through diversifying service delivery channels
Reach Diverse Underserved groups
Expand reach through integration with other services Empower specific underserved groups for better reach Market-based approaches to expand reach
Engage communities to address bias and stigma
Engage communities to overcome stigma Empower individuals and foster voluntary and informed choice
Reduce financial barriers
Nurturing an enabling environment for program implementation Leverage existing platforms to integrate services for delivery of care Expand market and price points for FP services and products Empower individuals towards economic agency and achieving personal goals
HIP category
Family planning and immunization integration
Service Delivery Service Delivery - HIPs improve the availability, accessibility, acceptability and quality of family planning services.
Promising Promising - good evidence exists for recommending widespread implementation, but more documentation is required to monitor evidence of this HIP.
Languages: EN | ES | FR | PT
Social franchising
Service Delivery Service Delivery - HIPs improve the availability, accessibility, acceptability and quality of family planning services.
Promising Promising - good evidence exists for recommending widespread implementation, but more documentation is required to monitor evidence of this HIP.
Languages: EN | ES | FR | PT
Domestic public financing
Enabling Environment Enabling Environment - HIPs address systemic barriers that affect an individual’s ability to access family planning information and services.
Languages: EN | ES | FR | PT
Educating girls
Enabling Environment Enabling Environment - HIPs address systemic barriers that affect an individual’s ability to access family planning information and services.
Languages: EN | ES | FR | PT
Galvanizing commitment
Enabling Environment Enabling Environment - HIPs address systemic barriers that affect an individual’s ability to access family planning information and services.
Languages: EN | ES | FR | PT
Leading and managing for rights-based FP
Enabling Environment Enabling Environment - HIPs address systemic barriers that affect an individual’s ability to access family planning information and services.
Languages: EN | ES | FR | PT
Comprehensive policy process
Enabling Environment Enabling Environment - HIPs address systemic barriers that affect an individual’s ability to access family planning information and services.
Languages: EN | ES | FR | PT
Social accountability to improve FP information & services
Enabling Environment Enabling Environment - HIPs address systemic barriers that affect an individual’s ability to access family planning information and services.
Languages: EN | ES | FR | PT
Supply chain management
Enabling Environment Enabling Environment - HIPs address systemic barriers that affect an individual’s ability to access family planning information and services.
Languages: EN | ES | FR | PT
Community group engagement
Social and Behavior Change Social and Behavior Change - HIPs influence knowledge, beliefs, behaviors and social norms associated with family planning.
Promising Promising - good evidence exists for recommending widespread implementation, but more documentation is required to monitor evidence of this HIP.
Digital health for Social and Behavior Change
Social and Behavior Change Social and Behavior Change - HIPs influence knowledge, beliefs, behaviors and social norms associated with family planning.
Promising Promising - good evidence exists for recommending widespread implementation, but more documentation is required to monitor evidence of this HIP.
Mass media
Social and Behavior Change Social and Behavior Change - HIPs influence knowledge, beliefs, behaviors and social norms associated with family planning.
Proven Proven - sufficient evidence exists to recommend widespread implementation of this HIP.
Promoting healthy couples communication to improve RH outcomes
Social and Behavior Change Social and Behavior Change - HIPs influence knowledge, beliefs, behaviors and social norms associated with family planning.
Proven Proven - sufficient evidence exists to recommend widespread implementation of this HIP.
Social norms
Social and Behavior Change Social and Behavior Change - HIPs influence knowledge, beliefs, behaviors and social norms associated with family planning.
Proven Proven - sufficient evidence exists to recommend widespread implementation of this HIP.
Knowledge, beliefs, attitudes and self-efficacy
Social and Behavior Change Social and Behavior Change - HIPs influence knowledge, beliefs, behaviors and social norms associated with family planning.
Proven Proven - sufficient evidence exists to recommend widespread implementation of this HIP.
Adolescent responsive contraceptive services
HIP Enhancement HIP Enhancement - are used in conjunction with other HIPs to maximize implementation impact or increase reach for specific audiences.
Languages: EN | ES | FR | PT
Digital health to support FP providers
HIP Enhancement HIP Enhancement - are used in conjunction with other HIPs to maximize implementation impact or increase reach for specific audiences.
Languages: EN | ES | FR | PT
Digital health for systems
HIP Enhancement HIP Enhancement - are used in conjunction with other HIPs to maximize implementation impact or increase reach for specific audiences.
Languages: EN | ES | FR | PT
Family planning vouchers
HIP Enhancement HIP Enhancement - are used in conjunction with other HIPs to maximize implementation impact or increase reach for specific audiences.
Languages: EN | ES | FR | PT
Economic empowerment
Evidence Summary Evidence Summary - presents evidence gathered but which fell short of standards for a brief, along with key research questions to further strengthen the evidence base.
Languages: EN | ES | FR | PT
Strategic Planning Guide Strategic Planning Guide - are developed by technical experts by bringing multiple HIP Briefs together to identify the most effective and efficient investments to address a challenge.
Languages: EN | ES | FR | PT
Engaging men and boys in FP
Strategic Planning Guide Strategic Planning Guide - are developed by technical experts by bringing multiple HIP Briefs together to identify the most effective and efficient investments to address a challenge.
Languages: EN | ES | FR | PT
FP in humanitarian settings
Strategic Planning Guide Strategic Planning Guide - are developed by technical experts by bringing multiple HIP Briefs together to identify the most effective and efficient investments to address a challenge.
Languages: EN | ES | FR | PT
Task sharing in family planning to increase health workforce efficiency and expand access
Strategic Planning Guide Strategic Planning Guide - are developed by technical experts by bringing multiple HIP Briefs together to identify the most effective and efficient investments to address a challenge.
Languages: EN | ES | FR | PT
Creating equitable access to high-quality FP information and services
Strategic Planning Guide Strategic Planning Guide - are developed by technical experts by bringing multiple HIP Briefs together to identify the most effective and efficient investments to address a challenge.
Languages: EN | ES | FR | PT
Meaningful adolescent and youth engagement and partnership in SRH programming
Strategic Planning Guide Strategic Planning Guide - are developed by technical experts by bringing multiple HIP Briefs together to identify the most effective and efficient investments to address a challenge.
Languages: EN | ES | FR | PT
Contraceptive method introduction to expand choice
Strategic Planning Guide Strategic Planning Guide - are developed by technical experts by bringing multiple HIP Briefs together to identify the most effective and efficient investments to address a challenge.
Languages: EN | ES | FR | PT
Facilitate the inclusion of persons with disabilities in FP programming
Strategic Planning Guide Strategic Planning Guide - are developed by technical experts by bringing multiple HIP Briefs together to identify the most effective and efficient investments to address a challenge.
Languages: EN | ES | FR | PT
Strengthening partnership with faith actors in FP
Strategic Planning Guide Strategic Planning Guide - are developed by technical experts by bringing multiple HIP Briefs together to identify the most effective and efficient investments to address a challenge.
Languages: EN | ES | FR | PT
Community health workers
Service Delivery Service Delivery - HIPs improve the availability, accessibility, acceptability and quality of family planning services.
Proven Proven - sufficient evidence exists to recommend widespread implementation of this HIP.
Languages: EN | ES | FR | PT
Immediate postpartum family planning
Service Delivery Service Delivery - HIPs improve the availability, accessibility, acceptability and quality of family planning services.
Proven Proven - sufficient evidence exists to recommend widespread implementation of this HIP.
Languages: EN | ES | FR | PT
Mobile outreach services
Service Delivery Service Delivery - HIPs improve the availability, accessibility, acceptability and quality of family planning services.
Proven Proven - sufficient evidence exists to recommend widespread implementation of this HIP.
Languages: EN | ES | FR | PT
Postabortion family planning
Service Delivery Service Delivery - HIPs improve the availability, accessibility, acceptability and quality of family planning services.
Proven Proven - sufficient evidence exists to recommend widespread implementation of this HIP.
Languages: EN | ES | FR | PT
Social marketing
Service Delivery Service Delivery - HIPs improve the availability, accessibility, acceptability and quality of family planning services.
Proven Proven - sufficient evidence exists to recommend widespread implementation of this HIP.
Languages: EN | ES | FR | PT
Pharmacies and drug shops
Service Delivery Service Delivery - HIPs improve the availability, accessibility, acceptability and quality of family planning services.
Promising Promising - good evidence exists for recommending widespread implementation, but more documentation is required to monitor evidence of this HIP.
Languages: EN | ES | FR | PT